4 Quick Tips for Using Outline Fonts

If you’re working on a poster, flyer, or greeting card design, an outline font is a great choice for adding titles and headlines that attract attention. In this post, we’re featuring tips for working with outline fonts to make the most of their unique characteristics.

Unlike most other types of fonts, an outline font is easily recognizable. Just as the name suggests, an outline font features a character design that only consists of outlines without a fill. These fonts are widely used to create attractive titles and headlines. They are also used in logo and stationery designs as well.

Follow these tips when using outline fonts in your designs to make them look more professional.

1. Choose Subtle Outline Designs

There are various styles of outline fonts and some fonts over-do it by creating outlines with weird textures and shapes. Unless you’re creating a design for children, try to avoid such fonts.

When looking for outline fonts choose ones with subtle outline designs. Especially if you’re working on a design for business or professional purposes using a minimal outline font will make your designs look better.

2. Pick an Appropriate Style

Outline fonts are great for designing logos as well. As you browse through our fonts collection, you’ll notice there are various styles of outline fonts you can use to create logos for luxury brands, creative businesses, feminine brands, and more.

Instead of going with a regular outline font, you can pick an outline font with a design style that matches your brand and audience.

3. Find the Right Font Pair

The most difficult part of using outline fonts is finding a font that pairs with it. Outline fonts have their own unique style that makes them stand out. But if you picked a sans-serif outline font it will make things much easier for you to find a pairable font.

4. Use Only for Titles

Outline fonts are better used as title fonts as they make titles look more attractive and clearly visible from a distance. They are not to be used as a paragraph or body font as it can ruin the user experience and readability.

Explore our collection of outline fonts to get started!