After Effects Templates

After Effects templates can help you take the application to the next level with overlays, lower thirds, logo reveals, title sequences, and more.

It’s a great way to get more from the application in a way that saves time and makes life easy for you. Whether you’re wanting to create an entirely new video or add something special to an existing project.

Our series covers how to use After Effects templates, where to find them, and collects some of our favorite templates for all manner of different uses and scenarios!

After Effects templates can help you take your animation game to the next level. Use templates with this powerful piece of software to create overlays, lower thirds information, reveal logos or titles and more.

Templates are one of the best tools for both learning how to make the most of this piece of design software while working through projects quickly. Use them for anything from simple tasks to complex edits and animations.

What Is After Effects?

Adobe After Effects is software used to create cinematic movie titles, intros, and transitions. It’s an industry-standard tool for people that work with motion graphics and visual effects. If you can make it move After Effects can help do the rest.

After Effects is part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud suite. It’s included with full packages or can be purchased a la carte.

Features that make After Effects a cool tool include the ability to remove objects from video clips, ability to animate shapes and logos and apply effects to almost any type of clip including VR videos.

What Are After Effects Templates?

After Effects templates are project files that have already been customized to add a specific effect or graphic to a video that’s already been created.

You can further customize After Effect templates to fit your needs by changing colors, fonts and images for a more seamless fit in your video projects.

If you want to save and use After Effects templates, you have two options:

  • Create and save the desired effect yourself for later use and reuse.
  • Download a premade template from another source, such as some of the collections below.

How to Use After Effects Templates

Using an After Effects template is fairly easy. (It might actually be harder to find just the right effect for your project.)

Most downloadable templates will come with instructions, but here’s the quick rundown for what to do once you have a file to use.

  • Open the project and import files you want to add (save templates in a common folder for ease of use)
  • Locate the compositions where you want to make changes
  • Replace placeholder elements with your graphics or templates (this is where you do all the customizing)
  • Repeat as needed for multiple layers of effects